Bioimaging (Immunofluorescence, electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, histology, etc.)
To make sure that the type of analysis you are interested in can be performed in specific cell models, please do not hesitate to contact us
Blood vessel
3D tissue and cell printer
Cattle, Chicken
Table 1: Organoids
Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
Airway nasal
Airway tracheal
Airway bronchial
Cattle, Chicken, Pig
Airway nasal
Sheep, Pig
Airway tracheal
Sheep, Pig, Mouse
Airway bronchial
Sheep, Pig
Cattle, Chicken
Table 2: Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
Bioimaging (Immunofluorescence, electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, histology, etc.)
To make sure that the type of analysis you are interested in can be performed in specific cell models, please do not hesitate to contact us
Blood vessel
Table 1: Organoids
Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
Table 2: Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
All the services listed below are available for access regardless of the call for proposals and research topic that you select in your pre-application form.
Social sciences preparedness and response interventions
Vulnerability assessments This service provides ethnographic investigation of locally-defined case definitions of social groups most likely to be marginalized or excluded before or during an epidemic; offer systematic analysis of complex factors leading to or aggravating marginalization
Protocols & implementationfor public engagement, acceptability and compliance with epidemic control efforts: clinical trials, nonpharmaceutical interventions, and vaccination This service will develop protocols for assessing the public engagement, acceptability and compliance with control efforts of targeted measures and if needed, support the implementation of these protocols
Post-intervention evaluation
Intervention or response evaluation Evaluation of the planning, development and implementation of specific epidemic intervention or response (including for COVID-19 pandemic)
Ethical evaluation: post-intervention assessment of ethical stakes at country level in West and Central Africa. Service available for West and Central Africa French-speaking countries. Evaluation of ethical dimensions/consequences of an intervention, (including and specific to the COVID-19 pandemic): Socio-anthropological assessment based on enquiries with national and local authorities, communities, teams and participants in the project. Offers assessment of social effects of program. Service is available for West and Central Africa French-speaking countries.
Ethical evaluation: Ethical assessment of program/intervention (elsewhere) Evaluation of ethical dimensions/consequences of an intervention, (including and specific to the COVID-19 pandemic): Ethical evaluation of program or intervention by trained and experienced bioethics team
Scale-up services for qualitative analyses and epidemic response
Demographic, health, socio-economic data and analyses Scaling up of existing qualitative analyses to demographic, health and socio-economic data and analyses
Policy analysis Systematic review of local policy measures and synthesis of key lessons learnt to inform scale-up in preparedness and ongoing response
Cost benefit analysis of epidemic response measure
Cost benefit analysis of epidemic response measure Evaluation of costs and benefits associated with public health intervention (including COVID-19), resulting in a report to be delivered at end of service
Community surveillance and social dimensions of outbreak investigation
Design of community surveillance activities for human and animal health, to complement existing surveillance systems Develop an adapted, locally appropriate plan for community detection of outbreaks of new COVID-19 waves. This service would enable local public health authorities to identify social risks and to facilitate community engagement and participation in the identification of these risks. Where appropriate, this plan will include human interactions with potential animal reservoirs in which COVID-19 has been detected. Rapid quantitative and qualitative methods, including key informant interviews and targeted focus group discussions will be employed
Design, implementation and supervision of community surveillance activities for human and animal health, to complement existing surveillance systems Develop an adapted, locally appropriate plan for community detection of outbreaks of new COVID-19 waves. This service would enable local public health authorities to identify social risks and to facilitate community engagement and participation in the identification of these risks. Where appropriate, this plan will include human interactions with potential animal reservoirs in which COVID-19 has been detected. Rapid quantitative and qualitative methods, including key informant interviews and targeted focus group discussions will be employed
Development of protocol of social sciences community investigation of human/animal disease outbreak This service will offer the development of a protocol to investigate the social dimensions of new outbreaks that may involve spill overs from animals into human beings (as well as spillbacks). The service will provide understanding of specific social, cultural and livelihood dimensions of human-animal interactions as well as concrete recommendations for prevention
Development and implementation of protocol of social sciences community investigation of human/animal disease outbreak This service will offer the development and implementation of a protocol to investigate the social dimensions of new outbreaks that may involve spill overs from animals into human beings (as well as spillbacks). The service will provide understanding of specific social, cultural and livelihood dimensions of human-animal interactions as well as concrete recommendations for prevention
Bioimaging (Immunofluorescence, electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, histology, etc.)
To make sure that the type of analysis you are interested in can be performed in specific cell models, please do not hesitate to contact us
Blood vessel
Cattle, Sheep, Pig
Table 1: Organoids
Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
Airway nasal
Airway tracheal
Airway bronchial
Cattle, Chicken
Airway nasal
Airway tracheal
Sheep, Mouse
Airway bronchial
Table 2: Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
Primary cells
Immune cells ( macrophages, dendritic cells)
Cultures from surgical specimens (Rift valley fever virus model)
The services listed below are available for access regardless of the call for proposals and research topic you select in your pre-application form.
Nanobody discovery
Generation and characterisation of conformational nanobodies (to facilitate the structural analysis of proteins that are notoriously difficult to purify, to crystallize or to study by another method.)
Rapid selection of nanobodies by screening/affinity maturation
Wide range of techniques to study the biophysical characterization of the structure, function and stability of biological macromolecules like proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and their complexes; as well as the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of their interaction.
Circular Dichroism
Differential Scanning Fluorescence
Differential Scanning Calorimetry
Dynamic Light Scattering
UV/Vis Spectrometry
Microscale Thermophoresis
Surface Plasmon Resonance,
High Throughput Biolayer Interferometry
Isothermal titration Calorimetry
Antibody screening in patient sera (Robotein automated Bimolecular analysis platform)
Single Molecule and Super-Resolution Microscopy for Structural Biology applications (Instruct)
Single-molecule detection with fluorescence microscopy techniques: using widefield microscopy such as TIRF, super-resolution methods SMLM (STORM, GSD/GSDIM, PALM, PAINT)
Mass Spectrometry
Native mass spectrometry
Single cell mass spectrometry
Proteomic mass spectrometry with possibility for plasma proteome analysis including monitoring of viral and immune response proteins, analysis of single viral proteins and binding to drugs and antibodies
Glycan analysis by Mass spectrometry
GC-MS for the analysis of cuticle thickness to test insecticide resistance in mosquitoes
Procedure to optimise crystallographic structure models, providing algorithms that make a fully automated decision-making system for refinement, rebuilding and validation.
AlphaFold models enriched with ligands and co-factors.
Provided to you by Euro-BioImaging ERIC & VetBioNet
All the services listed below are available for access at BSL-1 or BSL-2 regardless of the call for proposals & research topic that you select in your pre-application form.
Preparation of samples at BSL3 might be accommodated as part of the service.
Imaging services that can be provided directly in BSL-3 containment are marked with an *
Light Microscopy & Advanced Light Microscopy for Biological Imaging
Fluorescence microscopy
Laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM/CLSM)
Spinning disc confocal microscopy (SDCM)*
Light sheet microscopy (LSM) and lattice light sheet microscopy (LLSM)
Structured illumination microscopy (SIM)
Widefield microscopy: Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRF)
Deconvolution widefield microscopy (DWM)*
Image scanning microscopy
Two-Photon Microscopy/Multi-photon microscopy systems
Animal imaging (multimodal imaging of small animals)
Multimodal imaging of small animals
In vivo optical imaging
Intravital microscopy
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Ultra-sound imaging (US)
Computed tomography (CT)
Nuclear imaging (PET, SPECT)
Bimodal technologies
Provision of imaging probes/tracers
Animal Monitoring
Animal behaviour monitoring
Quantitative spatial-temporal monitoring of individual animals and groups using TrackLab or EthoVision XT software (computer vision, UWB, GPS sensors)
Computer-aided monitoring: Registration and analysis of manual observations of animals directly or with video feeds/films, potentially including synchronization of data streams, e.g., of physiology by means of The Observer XT
Animal physiology monitoring
Body temperature (combined with other variables as required), physiology sensors dependent on the animal species and variables required
Image Data & Image Analysis
Biological and Bio-Medical Image data analysis, including consultation and development of novel analysis and visualisation solutions
Bioimaging (Immunofluorescence, electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, histology, etc.)
To make sure that the type of analysis you are interested in can be performed in specific cell models, please do not hesitate to contact us
Blood vessel
3D tissue and cell printer
Table 1: Organoids
Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
Airway nasal
Airway tracheal
Airway bronchial
Airway nasal
Airway tracheal
Sheep, Mouse
Airway bronchial
Table 2: Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
SERVICES PROVIDED TO YOU BY: VetBioNet, Transvac, Infrafrontier, ERINHA & EMBRC
ISIDORe will only offer access to in vivo models in the absence of adequate alternative methods to achieve an identical result (REPLACE). Please do not forget to check out our wide range of EX VIVO MODELS.
When in vivo models cannot be substituted with any other comparable method, we will use the smallest number necessary for quality science (REDUCE), as well as state-of-the-art practices to protect animal welfare and prevent animal pain and distress (REFINE).
Positively evaluated requests for access to in vivo models will be subjected to institutional ethical evaluation before any implementation can happen.
The services listed below are a general overview of ISIDORe’s in vivo capacities. Models are not available for all species and/or all pathogens. If you want to make sure that we can provide access to your model of interest, please contact us:
Please note that agents from the Plasmodiidae and Trypanosomatidae famililes can only be studied in Arthropods.Main exceptions are indicated in brackets. Other specific exceptions may apply.
Provided to you by: VetBioNet, Infrafrontier & ERINHA
Guinea Pig (not available for vector-borne pathogens)
Sheep5 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Cattle (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Non-human primates
Camelids (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Chicken2 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Fruitbats (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Wildlife2,4 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Zebrafish (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Arthropods (Only available for vector-borne pathogens)
1 Includes models expressing human ACE2 2 Includes avian influenza models 3 Includes pig influenza models 4 Includes vector-transmission models 5 Includes pregnant sheep models
Please note that agents from the Plasmodiidae and Trypanosomatidae famililes can only be studied in Arthropods.Main exceptions are indicated in brackets. Other specific exceptions may apply.
Provided to you by: VetBioNet, Infrafrontier & ERINHA
Guinea Pig (not available for vector-borne pathogens)
Sheep5 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Cattle (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Non-human primates
Camelids (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Chicken2 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Fruitbats (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Wildlife2,4 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Zebrafish (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Arthropods (Only available for vector-borne pathogens)
1 Includes models expressing human ACE2 2 Includes avian influenza models 3 Includes pig influenza models 4 Includes vector-transmission models 5 Includes pregnant sheep models
Please note that agents from the Plasmodiidae and Trypanosomatidae famililes can only be studied in Arthropods.Main exceptions are indicated in brackets. Other specific exceptions may apply.
Guinea Pig (not available for vector-borne pathogens)
Sheep5 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Cattle (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Non-human primates
Camelids (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Chicken2 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Fruitbats (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Wildlife2,4 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Zebrafish (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Arthropods (Only available for vector-borne pathogens)
1 Includes models expressing human ACE2 2 Includes avian influenza models 3 Includes pig influenza models 4 Includes vector-transmission models 5 Includes pregnant sheep models
All of the vectors listed below can be provided free of pathogens. Some of the vectors listed below are provided ONLY free of pathogens and are marked with an *. If you want to make sure that we can provide access to your vector of interest, please contact us.
Immune-function profiling This service is available for access regardless of the call for proposals and research topic that you select in your pre-application form. Antigen-specific T proliferation and cytokine, chemokine and immune factor analysis (mass cytometry, FACSCanto, LSR IV, Symphony, Helios, Bio-Plex Multiplex immunoassay).
Immune-cell profiling This service is available for access in the following calls for proposals: CALL I (SARS-CoV-2), CALL IV (non-SARS-CoV-2 respiratory pathogens), CALL V (vector-borne pathogens), and CALL VI (Other epidemic-prone pathogens).
Antiviral screening & mucosal immunology This service is available for access for SARS-CoV-2 research projects. Including human airway models for testing drugs and for virus – cells interaction, to evaluate the role of individual immune subsets in different contexts against infectious disease and to characterize viral isolates.
Detection and quantification of SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells at the single cell level This service is available for access for SARS-CoV-2 and MPXV research projects
T-cell cloning and expansion This service is available for access for SARS-CoV-2 research projects. Determination of specificity
Detection and quantification of SARS-CoV-2-specific B cells at the single cell level This service is available for access for SARS-CoV-2 research projects.
Access to organoids, spheroids & multifluidic devicesfor immune surveillance(IncuCyte live-cell imaging of spheroids) This service is available for access for SARS-CoV-2 research projects.
Virus sequencing, non-coding RNA expression and antibody responses to viral antigens with high-content imaging and analysis.
Access to Multi-site Immuno-analysis of SARS-CoV-2, including analysis of infected samples based on metal tag detection by mass cytometry
Antibody profiling to evaluate the host immune response
ICS-T-cell-responses (TRM), Virus-immunome profiling Quantification of cytokines/chemokines (Bio-plex Multiplex Immunoassay), surface and intracellular detection of markers/cytokines (flow cytometry) in infected biological samples
Functional studies of pathogenicity of genetic variants at molecular and cellular level Including virus sequencing, non-coding RNAs expression and ELISA assay, drugs; drug testing
Epigenetics of immune cells To study genome-wide epigenetic changes including DNA methylation, histone modifications and non-coding RNAs expression
Immunoprofiling in swine and poultry Polychromatic flow cytometry assays, single cell immunomics, MHC haplotyping, Luminex cytokine profiling
The services listed below are available for access regardless of the call for proposals and research topic that you select in your pre-application form.
siRNA libraries
sgRNA/CRISPR Cas9 knockout libraries
RNAseq transcriptomics, 16S NGS microbiome analysis, metabolomics (LC-MS) in livestock
Specific primer sets and protocols for medium-throughput Fluidigm qPCR targeting up to 96 immune genes
All the services listed below are available for access at BSL-1 or BSL-2 regardless of the call for proposals & topic you select.
Development and validation of imaging probes Targeting of specific molecular inflammation markers or subpopulations of immune cells in surrogate infection models in vivo
Biomedical imaging technologies for monitoring the immune system
Optical imaging
Multimodal imaging
High-throughput Imaging & Bioimage Analysis PerkinElmer Opera Phenix & Molecular Devices ImageXpress Nano. Automation for sample processing and Imaging in both +37 C and RT. Image analysis pipelines and customized solutions for DNN based segmentation & classification in 2D and 3D.
Provided to you by the Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens (BRFAA), the Joanneum Research (JR), and Joint Research Center of European Commission (JRC) in collaboration with EU-OPENSCREEN
Due to the high demand in EU-OPENSCREEN services to support Diagnostic and Therapeutic Development, there is insufficient EC funding to provide you with our services at this time. Feel free to submit a pre-application to enter your research proposal into our list of potential future projects. They will be considered in received order, should additional funding become available in the future. Thank you very much for your understanding.
All the services listed below are available for access at BSL-1 or BSL-2 regardless of the call for proposals & research topic that you select in your pre-application form:
Characterization of in-vitro diagnostic devices and sensing platforms Electron microscopy (SEM-EDX, TEM-EDX); Surface analysis (XPS, TOF-SIMS); Raman Microscope; Array scanner
Assay development (molecular and biochemical) and integration to IVD devices Customization of existing assays to be integrated into LoCs, biosensors and microfluidics-based devices
Testing of developed and optimized assays, biosensors, LoCs and microfluidics-based devices with well-characterized samples Extensive biobank of blood & nasopharyngeal samples from patients infected with various viral and bacterial pathogens.
Surface functionalization Development of surface modification techniques towards biomolecule immobilization and biosensor fabrication or tailoring of surface properties (antifouling, surface energy etc.)
Lab-on-a-chip design Simulation-based fluidics design for existing assays
Lab-on-a-chip implementation Implementation and adaptation of existing assays into foil-based lab-on-chip
Lab-on-a-chip demonstrator Foil-based lab-on-chip demonstrator device development for existing assays
Matrix customized methods (e.g., non-human samples) and multiplexed pathogen detection Development/application of rapid, low cost, high throughput molecular methods for population screening
Personalized training in the development and application of molecular diagnostics for vector monitoring Personalized (1-2 people) laboratory training in state-of-the art molecular biology laboratories to develop and apply molecular diagnostics relevant for modern vector monitoring.
Once you have submitted the ISIDORe pre-application below, please complete the Full application for access to this Personalized Training. Access to the personnal training application
Due to the high demand in EU-OPENSCREEN services to support Diagnostic and Therapeutic Development, there is insufficient EC funding to provide you with our services at this time. Feel free to submit a pre-application to enter your research proposal into our list of potential future projects. They will be considered in received order, should additional funding become available in the future. Thank you very much for your understanding.
All the services listed below are available for access regardless of the call for proposals & research topic that you select in your pre-application form. The maximum biosafety level of containment for the performance of the experiments is indicated in the description of the services. For confirming the feasibility of your request, please contact us.
Small molecule libraries – provided ONLY in combination with high throughput screening (HTS) services offered below
Repurposing Library Preparation of assay-ready plates with drug repurposing libraries containing approved and clinical trial compounds
European Chemical Biology Library (ECBL) Preparation of assay-ready plates with 100.000 small molecules containing approx. 2464 bioactives
EU-OPENSCREEN Fragment Library Preparation of plates with approx. 1000 fragments including 88 minifrags
EU-OPENSCREEN Bioactives Preparation of plates with 2464 bioactives
Assay development, high throughput screening and hit profiling services for identification of active small molecule and host-targeting agents
Assay development Assay design and development in a broad range of readouts including phenotypic assays in BSL2-BSL3 facilities (bacterial growth inhibition and viral infection inhibition, cell-based HCS, host cell response), and BSL1 in-vitro target-based assays with specific bacterial, viral and human targets
Biochemical and enzymatic target-based high-throughput screening High-throughput screening using BSL1 in-vitro target-based assays with specific bacterial, viral and human targets. The assay needs to be HTS-compatible with demonstrated performance in 384-well format. The service includes assay transfer, HTS and hit validation Do not forget to request library if necessary.
Cell-based high-throughput screening Cell-based screen including phenotypic, and target-based that can be run in both, human and bacterial, cells in BSL2 facilities. The assay needs to be HTS-compatible with demonstrated performance in 384-well format. The service includes assay transfer, HTS and hit validation Do not forget to request library if necessary
Low- and medium-throughput screening in BSL3 facilities Cell-based screen including phenotypic, and target-based that can be run in human cells and pathogen infection models in BSL3 facilities. The service includes assay transfer, screening and hit validation
Fragment screening Includes assay development, screening and hit validation
Hit validation and profiling Disease-relevant models, ADMET, ROS‑tox and others
Natural compound libraries (500 compounds) obtained from various marine organisms (bacteria, fungi, sponges)
>14000 samples (crude extracts and fractions of pre-fractionated extracts) from marine micro-organisms (i.e., fungi, yeast, bacteria, algae) collected during the EU project PharmaSea. Most samples are stored as 10 mg/mL stocks (DMSO), others at different concentrations or solvent (percentage) or as dried stock.
Provided to you by: EU-OPENSCREEN, EU-OPENSCREEN Partners & ERINHA
Due to the high demand in EU-OPENSCREEN services to support Diagnostic and Therapeutic Development, there is insufficient EC funding to provide you with our services at this time. Feel free to submit a pre-application to enter your research proposal into our list of potential future projects. They will be considered in received order, should additional funding become available in the future. Thank you very much for your understanding.
All the services listed below are available for access regardless of the call for proposals & research topic that you select in your pre-application form. Services using replication-competent pathogens are indicated in the descriptions below along with the biosafety level. When applicable, fragments of pathogens are used (e.g., antibody discovery). For confirming the feasibility of your request, please contact us.
Library preparation
VHH library preparation Preparation of VHH libraries in phagmid vectors including pSEX81 and pMES4. Libraries from naive or immunized alpaca of very high efficiency.
Protein overexpression in E. coli system (vector provided by applicant)
Protein purification and verification by mass spectrometry
Phage-display nanobody (VHH) library screen
Verification of positive clones by ELISA test
Nanobody sequence identification
Antibody discovery and selection from B cells Identification of antibodies from plasma of convalescent patients by B-cell cloning
Antigen or antibody design and engineering Design and engineering of antibody with specific functions and suitable formats (IgG, Fab, single chain antibodies); engineering for increased stability, solubility, modulation of complement engagement, multi-specific constructs
Antibody and/or antigen production and characterization
Antigen and/or antibody production, purification and characterization Antibody and/or antigen production and purification, quality control of the samples, biophysical characterization (binding affinity, functionality, epitope mapping), in vitro neutralization assays
3D structural models 3D structural analysis of antibodies, antigens and antibody-antigen complexes with experimentally guided computational simulations
Physico-chemical measurements of quality attributes Structure, stability, aggregation (digital electrophoresis, DLS, CD, AUC, Multi Detector-AF4, SPR)
Assessment of endotoxin contamination LAL tests
Evaluation of the selective antiviral activity of antibodies in virus-cell-based assays
SERVICES PROVIDED TO YOU BY: Transvac, VetBioNet & Instruct
Vaccine development requires a combination of specialized skills and technical capacities not readily available at a single organization. Find all those skills and capacities in our catalogue.
Please note that all in vivo models for studying immunogenicity, adjuvants or vaccine efficacy are available in the IN VIVO MODELS catalogue of services.
The services listed below are available for access regardless of the call for proposals and research topic you select in your pre-application form. When applicable, viral-like particles and/or pseudoviruses are used as study models for pathogens of interest.
Cross-platform screening and pre‑clinical optimization with access to vaccine platform technologies (including proteins, viral like particles, viral vectors) and expression systems (including mammalian and insect cells) Small-to-medium-scale (mg-scale) expression and purification of antigens from multiple candidate constructs. Expression can be compared in multiple expression systems, including P. pastoris, L. lactis, E. coli; Nicotiana; and constitutive/transient expression in mammalian/ insect cells. Vaccine formats include design and production of viral vector vaccines, Adenovirus (human and chimpanzee) and MVA
Custom construction of nanoparticles based on respiratory syncytial virus nucleoprotein as booster for antigen presentation
Custom construction of recombinant viral proteins in HEK Freestyle cells
Custom construction of recombinant vaccine Two available backbones (non-deleted or E1-deleted genomes) derived from the Manhattan vaccine strain of the canine adenovirus type 2 (CAV-2)
Design and development of nanoparticle-based mucosal vaccine systems for SARS-CoV-2 or other respiratory pathogens
Expression and purification of SARS-CoV structural proteins for vaccination and in vitro diagnostics Expression systems available: E. coli, baculovirus
Development and characterisation of vaccine formulations with liposomal adjuvants CAF01 and CAF09b
Provision of CAF01 and CAF09b adjuvants at GMP grade for use in clinical studies
Development and characterisation of vaccine formulations with adjuvants SWE, SQ, and SMQ and liposome adjuvants LQ and LMQ
Upscaling of emulsion adjuvants (SQ, SMQ) and liposome adjuvants (LQ, LMQ) from lab-scale to pilot-scale prior to tech-transferto CDMO for GMP production
Provision of SWE emulsion adjuvant at GMP grade for use in clinical studies
Formulation and characterisation of vaccine candidates paired with mucosal or parenteral adjuvants.
Provided to you by: Instruct & the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
You can access these services for all the open calls.
Regulatory oversight & advice
Assessment of regulatory requirement for marketing authorization
Scientific advice for preparing an application to the European Medicines Agency
Informal scientific advice with selected national competent authorities, for highly complex projects
Pre-clinical and clinical development plan development – Target Product Profile (TPP) and Investigational Medicinal Product Dossier (IMPD)
Regulatory requirements for trial authorization and subsequent amendments by competent authorities and ethics committees, fast track procedures, coordinated authorization
If you are a researcher, principal investigator or Sponsor, reach out to ECRIN for assistance in planning and design of your clinical research proposals. Please note that these services do not encompass the operational costs of conducting a clinical trial.
Protocol Design For Clinical Trials
Support for clinical trial methodology, selection of trial design, endpoints and core outcome measures
Planning For clinical trials
Planning of clinical trial operations, including regulatory / ethical requirements, informed consent, data monitoring plan, data management and data sharing plan
Supporting the development of the main aspects of funding applications including grant proposals and preparation of trial budget
Support in identifying available funding mechanisms
Advice on strategies for site selection and patient recruitment
Task distribution for multinational study management Open access tools (
Access to ongoing platform trials for new therapeutic, prevention or vaccine intervention arms (Only for SARS-COV-2/COVID-19)
This service offers to conduct clinical trials as new intervention arms in one of the three EU-funded adaptive platform trials (including operational management services such as regulatory/ethical submission of protocol amendments, IMP management, pharmacovigilance, data management, monitoring):
REMAP‑COVID (also known as REMAP-CAP), an international platform trial for CAP (community acquired pneumonia) initiated in 2014 and rapidly expanded to include COVID-19 patients. Several domains of this trial are exclusive for patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19.
EU‑SolidAct a pan-European adaptive platform trial involved with rapid and coordinated investigation of new and repurposed medications to treat Covid-19 in hospitalized patients.
If you need support for your research on other pathogens with epidemic or pandemic potential such as orthopoxviruses, polio & non polio enteroviruses, or pathogen X, please contact us.
Bioimaging (Immunofluorescence, electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, histology, etc.)
To make sure that the type of analysis you are interested in can be performed in specific cell models, please do not hesitate to contact us
Blood vessel
3D tissue and cell printer
Cattle, Chicken
Table 1: Organoids
Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
Airway nasal
Airway tracheal
Airway bronchial
Cattle, Chicken, Pig
Airway nasal
Sheep, Pig
Airway tracheal
Sheep, Pig, Mouse
Airway bronchial
Sheep, Pig
Cattle, Chicken
Table 2: Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
Bioimaging (Immunofluorescence, electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, histology, etc.)
To make sure that the type of analysis you are interested in can be performed in specific cell models, please do not hesitate to contact us
Blood vessel
Table 1: Organoids
Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
Table 2: Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
All the services listed below are available for access regardless of the call for proposals and research topic that you select in your pre-application form.
Social sciences preparedness and response interventions
Vulnerability assessments This service provides ethnographic investigation of locally-defined case definitions of social groups most likely to be marginalized or excluded before or during an epidemic; offer systematic analysis of complex factors leading to or aggravating marginalization
Protocols & implementationfor public engagement, acceptability and compliance with epidemic control efforts: clinical trials, nonpharmaceutical interventions, and vaccination This service will develop protocols for assessing the public engagement, acceptability and compliance with control efforts of targeted measures and if needed, support the implementation of these protocols
Post-intervention evaluation
Intervention or response evaluation Evaluation of the planning, development and implementation of specific epidemic intervention or response (including for COVID-19 pandemic)
Ethical evaluation: post-intervention assessment of ethical stakes at country level in West and Central Africa. Service available for West and Central Africa French-speaking countries. Evaluation of ethical dimensions/consequences of an intervention, (including and specific to the COVID-19 pandemic): Socio-anthropological assessment based on enquiries with national and local authorities, communities, teams and participants in the project. Offers assessment of social effects of program. Service is available for West and Central Africa French-speaking countries.
Ethical evaluation: Ethical assessment of program/intervention (elsewhere) Evaluation of ethical dimensions/consequences of an intervention, (including and specific to the COVID-19 pandemic): Ethical evaluation of program or intervention by trained and experienced bioethics team
Scale-up services for qualitative analyses and epidemic response
Demographic, health, socio-economic data and analyses Scaling up of existing qualitative analyses to demographic, health and socio-economic data and analyses
Policy analysis Systematic review of local policy measures and synthesis of key lessons learnt to inform scale-up in preparedness and ongoing response
Cost benefit analysis of epidemic response measure
Cost benefit analysis of epidemic response measure Evaluation of costs and benefits associated with public health intervention (including COVID-19), resulting in a report to be delivered at end of service
Community surveillance and social dimensions of outbreak investigation
Design of community surveillance activities for human and animal health, to complement existing surveillance systems Develop an adapted, locally appropriate plan for community detection of outbreaks of new COVID-19 waves. This service would enable local public health authorities to identify social risks and to facilitate community engagement and participation in the identification of these risks. Where appropriate, this plan will include human interactions with potential animal reservoirs in which COVID-19 has been detected. Rapid quantitative and qualitative methods, including key informant interviews and targeted focus group discussions will be employed
Design, implementation and supervision of community surveillance activities for human and animal health, to complement existing surveillance systems Develop an adapted, locally appropriate plan for community detection of outbreaks of new COVID-19 waves. This service would enable local public health authorities to identify social risks and to facilitate community engagement and participation in the identification of these risks. Where appropriate, this plan will include human interactions with potential animal reservoirs in which COVID-19 has been detected. Rapid quantitative and qualitative methods, including key informant interviews and targeted focus group discussions will be employed
Development of protocol of social sciences community investigation of human/animal disease outbreak This service will offer the development of a protocol to investigate the social dimensions of new outbreaks that may involve spill overs from animals into human beings (as well as spillbacks). The service will provide understanding of specific social, cultural and livelihood dimensions of human-animal interactions as well as concrete recommendations for prevention
Development and implementation of protocol of social sciences community investigation of human/animal disease outbreak This service will offer the development and implementation of a protocol to investigate the social dimensions of new outbreaks that may involve spill overs from animals into human beings (as well as spillbacks). The service will provide understanding of specific social, cultural and livelihood dimensions of human-animal interactions as well as concrete recommendations for prevention
Bioimaging (Immunofluorescence, electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, histology, etc.)
To make sure that the type of analysis you are interested in can be performed in specific cell models, please do not hesitate to contact us
Blood vessel
Cattle, Sheep, Pig
Table 1: Organoids
Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
Airway nasal
Airway tracheal
Airway bronchial
Cattle, Chicken
Airway nasal
Airway tracheal
Sheep, Mouse
Airway bronchial
Table 2: Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
Primary cells
Immune cells ( macrophages, dendritic cells)
Cultures from surgical specimens (Rift valley fever virus model)
The services listed below are available for access regardless of the call for proposals and research topic you select in your pre-application form.
Nanobody discovery
Generation and characterisation of conformational nanobodies (to facilitate the structural analysis of proteins that are notoriously difficult to purify, to crystallize or to study by another method.)
Rapid selection of nanobodies by screening/affinity maturation
Wide range of techniques to study the biophysical characterization of the structure, function and stability of biological macromolecules like proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and their complexes; as well as the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of their interaction.
Circular Dichroism
Differential Scanning Fluorescence
Differential Scanning Calorimetry
Dynamic Light Scattering
UV/Vis Spectrometry
Microscale Thermophoresis
Surface Plasmon Resonance,
High Throughput Biolayer Interferometry
Isothermal titration Calorimetry
Antibody screening in patient sera (Robotein automated Bimolecular analysis platform)
Single Molecule and Super-Resolution Microscopy for Structural Biology applications (Instruct)
Single-molecule detection with fluorescence microscopy techniques: using widefield microscopy such as TIRF, super-resolution methods SMLM (STORM, GSD/GSDIM, PALM, PAINT)
Mass Spectrometry
Native mass spectrometry
Single cell mass spectrometry
Proteomic mass spectrometry with possibility for plasma proteome analysis including monitoring of viral and immune response proteins, analysis of single viral proteins and binding to drugs and antibodies
Glycan analysis by Mass spectrometry
GC-MS for the analysis of cuticle thickness to test insecticide resistance in mosquitoes
Procedure to optimise crystallographic structure models, providing algorithms that make a fully automated decision-making system for refinement, rebuilding and validation.
AlphaFold models enriched with ligands and co-factors.
Provided to you by Euro-BioImaging ERIC & VetBioNet
All the services listed below are available for access at BSL-1 or BSL-2 regardless of the call for proposals & research topic that you select in your pre-application form.
Preparation of samples at BSL3 might be accommodated as part of the service.
Imaging services that can be provided directly in BSL-3 containment are marked with an *
Light Microscopy & Advanced Light Microscopy for Biological Imaging
Fluorescence microscopy
Laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM/CLSM)
Spinning disc confocal microscopy (SDCM)*
Light sheet microscopy (LSM) and lattice light sheet microscopy (LLSM)
Structured illumination microscopy (SIM)
Widefield microscopy: Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRF)
Deconvolution widefield microscopy (DWM)*
Image scanning microscopy
Two-Photon Microscopy/Multi-photon microscopy systems
Animal imaging (multimodal imaging of small animals)
Multimodal imaging of small animals
In vivo optical imaging
Intravital microscopy
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Ultra-sound imaging (US)
Computed tomography (CT)
Nuclear imaging (PET, SPECT)
Bimodal technologies
Provision of imaging probes/tracers
Animal Monitoring
Animal behaviour monitoring
Quantitative spatial-temporal monitoring of individual animals and groups using TrackLab or EthoVision XT software (computer vision, UWB, GPS sensors)
Computer-aided monitoring: Registration and analysis of manual observations of animals directly or with video feeds/films, potentially including synchronization of data streams, e.g., of physiology by means of The Observer XT
Animal physiology monitoring
Body temperature (combined with other variables as required), physiology sensors dependent on the animal species and variables required
Image Data & Image Analysis
Biological and Bio-Medical Image data analysis, including consultation and development of novel analysis and visualisation solutions
Bioimaging (Immunofluorescence, electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, histology, etc.)
To make sure that the type of analysis you are interested in can be performed in specific cell models, please do not hesitate to contact us
Blood vessel
3D tissue and cell printer
Table 1: Organoids
Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
Airway nasal
Airway tracheal
Airway bronchial
Airway nasal
Airway tracheal
Sheep, Mouse
Airway bronchial
Table 2: Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
SERVICES PROVIDED TO YOU BY: VetBioNet, Transvac, Infrafrontier, ERINHA & EMBRC
ISIDORe will only offer access to in vivo models in the absence of adequate alternative methods to achieve an identical result (REPLACE). Please do not forget to check out our wide range of EX VIVO MODELS.
When in vivo models cannot be substituted with any other comparable method, we will use the smallest number necessary for quality science (REDUCE), as well as state-of-the-art practices to protect animal welfare and prevent animal pain and distress (REFINE).
Positively evaluated requests for access to in vivo models will be subjected to institutional ethical evaluation before any implementation can happen.
The services listed below are a general overview of ISIDORe’s in vivo capacities. Models are not available for all species and/or all pathogens. If you want to make sure that we can provide access to your model of interest, please contact us:
Please note that agents from the Plasmodiidae and Trypanosomatidae famililes can only be studied in Arthropods.Main exceptions are indicated in brackets. Other specific exceptions may apply.
Provided to you by: VetBioNet, Infrafrontier & ERINHA
Guinea Pig (not available for vector-borne pathogens)
Sheep5 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Cattle (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Non-human primates
Camelids (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Chicken2 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Fruitbats (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Wildlife2,4 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Zebrafish (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Arthropods (Only available for vector-borne pathogens)
1 Includes models expressing human ACE2 2 Includes avian influenza models 3 Includes pig influenza models 4 Includes vector-transmission models 5 Includes pregnant sheep models
Please note that agents from the Plasmodiidae and Trypanosomatidae famililes can only be studied in Arthropods.Main exceptions are indicated in brackets. Other specific exceptions may apply.
Provided to you by: VetBioNet, Infrafrontier & ERINHA
Guinea Pig (not available for vector-borne pathogens)
Sheep5 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Cattle (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Non-human primates
Camelids (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Chicken2 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Fruitbats (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Wildlife2,4 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Zebrafish (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Arthropods (Only available for vector-borne pathogens)
1 Includes models expressing human ACE2 2 Includes avian influenza models 3 Includes pig influenza models 4 Includes vector-transmission models 5 Includes pregnant sheep models
Please note that agents from the Plasmodiidae and Trypanosomatidae famililes can only be studied in Arthropods.Main exceptions are indicated in brackets. Other specific exceptions may apply.
Guinea Pig (not available for vector-borne pathogens)
Sheep5 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Cattle (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Non-human primates
Camelids (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Chicken2 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Fruitbats (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Wildlife2,4 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Zebrafish (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Arthropods (Only available for vector-borne pathogens)
1 Includes models expressing human ACE2 2 Includes avian influenza models 3 Includes pig influenza models 4 Includes vector-transmission models 5 Includes pregnant sheep models
All of the vectors listed below can be provided free of pathogens. Some of the vectors listed below are provided ONLY free of pathogens and are marked with an *. If you want to make sure that we can provide access to your vector of interest, please contact us.
Immune-function profiling This service is available for access regardless of the call for proposals and research topic that you select in your pre-application form. Antigen-specific T proliferation and cytokine, chemokine and immune factor analysis (mass cytometry, FACSCanto, LSR IV, Symphony, Helios, Bio-Plex Multiplex immunoassay).
Immune-cell profiling This service is available for access in the following calls for proposals: CALL I (SARS-CoV-2), CALL IV (non-SARS-CoV-2 respiratory pathogens), CALL V (vector-borne pathogens), and CALL VI (Other epidemic-prone pathogens).
Antiviral screening & mucosal immunology This service is available for access for SARS-CoV-2 research projects. Including human airway models for testing drugs and for virus – cells interaction, to evaluate the role of individual immune subsets in different contexts against infectious disease and to characterize viral isolates.
Detection and quantification of SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells at the single cell level This service is available for access for SARS-CoV-2 and MPXV research projects
T-cell cloning and expansion This service is available for access for SARS-CoV-2 research projects. Determination of specificity
Detection and quantification of SARS-CoV-2-specific B cells at the single cell level This service is available for access for SARS-CoV-2 research projects.
Access to organoids, spheroids & multifluidic devicesfor immune surveillance(IncuCyte live-cell imaging of spheroids) This service is available for access for SARS-CoV-2 research projects.
Virus sequencing, non-coding RNA expression and antibody responses to viral antigens with high-content imaging and analysis.
Access to Multi-site Immuno-analysis of SARS-CoV-2, including analysis of infected samples based on metal tag detection by mass cytometry
Antibody profiling to evaluate the host immune response
ICS-T-cell-responses (TRM), Virus-immunome profiling Quantification of cytokines/chemokines (Bio-plex Multiplex Immunoassay), surface and intracellular detection of markers/cytokines (flow cytometry) in infected biological samples
Functional studies of pathogenicity of genetic variants at molecular and cellular level Including virus sequencing, non-coding RNAs expression and ELISA assay, drugs; drug testing
Epigenetics of immune cells To study genome-wide epigenetic changes including DNA methylation, histone modifications and non-coding RNAs expression
Immunoprofiling in swine and poultry Polychromatic flow cytometry assays, single cell immunomics, MHC haplotyping, Luminex cytokine profiling
The services listed below are available for access regardless of the call for proposals and research topic that you select in your pre-application form.
siRNA libraries
sgRNA/CRISPR Cas9 knockout libraries
RNAseq transcriptomics, 16S NGS microbiome analysis, metabolomics (LC-MS) in livestock
Specific primer sets and protocols for medium-throughput Fluidigm qPCR targeting up to 96 immune genes
All the services listed below are available for access at BSL-1 or BSL-2 regardless of the call for proposals & topic you select.
Development and validation of imaging probes Targeting of specific molecular inflammation markers or subpopulations of immune cells in surrogate infection models in vivo
Biomedical imaging technologies for monitoring the immune system
Optical imaging
Multimodal imaging
High-throughput Imaging & Bioimage Analysis PerkinElmer Opera Phenix & Molecular Devices ImageXpress Nano. Automation for sample processing and Imaging in both +37 C and RT. Image analysis pipelines and customized solutions for DNN based segmentation & classification in 2D and 3D.
Provided to you by the Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens (BRFAA), the Joanneum Research (JR), and Joint Research Center of European Commission (JRC) in collaboration with EU-OPENSCREEN
Due to the high demand in EU-OPENSCREEN services to support Diagnostic and Therapeutic Development, there is insufficient EC funding to provide you with our services at this time. Feel free to submit a pre-application to enter your research proposal into our list of potential future projects. They will be considered in received order, should additional funding become available in the future. Thank you very much for your understanding.
All the services listed below are available for access at BSL-1 or BSL-2 regardless of the call for proposals & research topic that you select in your pre-application form:
Characterization of in-vitro diagnostic devices and sensing platforms Electron microscopy (SEM-EDX, TEM-EDX); Surface analysis (XPS, TOF-SIMS); Raman Microscope; Array scanner
Assay development (molecular and biochemical) and integration to IVD devices Customization of existing assays to be integrated into LoCs, biosensors and microfluidics-based devices
Testing of developed and optimized assays, biosensors, LoCs and microfluidics-based devices with well-characterized samples Extensive biobank of blood & nasopharyngeal samples from patients infected with various viral and bacterial pathogens.
Surface functionalization Development of surface modification techniques towards biomolecule immobilization and biosensor fabrication or tailoring of surface properties (antifouling, surface energy etc.)
Lab-on-a-chip design Simulation-based fluidics design for existing assays
Lab-on-a-chip implementation Implementation and adaptation of existing assays into foil-based lab-on-chip
Lab-on-a-chip demonstrator Foil-based lab-on-chip demonstrator device development for existing assays
Matrix customized methods (e.g., non-human samples) and multiplexed pathogen detection Development/application of rapid, low cost, high throughput molecular methods for population screening
Personalized training in the development and application of molecular diagnostics for vector monitoring Personalized (1-2 people) laboratory training in state-of-the art molecular biology laboratories to develop and apply molecular diagnostics relevant for modern vector monitoring.
Once you have submitted the ISIDORe pre-application below, please complete the Full application for access to this Personalized Training. Access to the personnal training application
Due to the high demand in EU-OPENSCREEN services to support Diagnostic and Therapeutic Development, there is insufficient EC funding to provide you with our services at this time. Feel free to submit a pre-application to enter your research proposal into our list of potential future projects. They will be considered in received order, should additional funding become available in the future. Thank you very much for your understanding.
All the services listed below are available for access regardless of the call for proposals & research topic that you select in your pre-application form. The maximum biosafety level of containment for the performance of the experiments is indicated in the description of the services. For confirming the feasibility of your request, please contact us.
Small molecule libraries – provided ONLY in combination with high throughput screening (HTS) services offered below
Repurposing Library Preparation of assay-ready plates with drug repurposing libraries containing approved and clinical trial compounds
European Chemical Biology Library (ECBL) Preparation of assay-ready plates with 100.000 small molecules containing approx. 2464 bioactives
EU-OPENSCREEN Fragment Library Preparation of plates with approx. 1000 fragments including 88 minifrags
EU-OPENSCREEN Bioactives Preparation of plates with 2464 bioactives
Assay development, high throughput screening and hit profiling services for identification of active small molecule and host-targeting agents
Assay development Assay design and development in a broad range of readouts including phenotypic assays in BSL2-BSL3 facilities (bacterial growth inhibition and viral infection inhibition, cell-based HCS, host cell response), and BSL1 in-vitro target-based assays with specific bacterial, viral and human targets
Biochemical and enzymatic target-based high-throughput screening High-throughput screening using BSL1 in-vitro target-based assays with specific bacterial, viral and human targets. The assay needs to be HTS-compatible with demonstrated performance in 384-well format. The service includes assay transfer, HTS and hit validation Do not forget to request library if necessary.
Cell-based high-throughput screening Cell-based screen including phenotypic, and target-based that can be run in both, human and bacterial, cells in BSL2 facilities. The assay needs to be HTS-compatible with demonstrated performance in 384-well format. The service includes assay transfer, HTS and hit validation Do not forget to request library if necessary
Low- and medium-throughput screening in BSL3 facilities Cell-based screen including phenotypic, and target-based that can be run in human cells and pathogen infection models in BSL3 facilities. The service includes assay transfer, screening and hit validation
Fragment screening Includes assay development, screening and hit validation
Hit validation and profiling Disease-relevant models, ADMET, ROS‑tox and others
Natural compound libraries (500 compounds) obtained from various marine organisms (bacteria, fungi, sponges)
>14000 samples (crude extracts and fractions of pre-fractionated extracts) from marine micro-organisms (i.e., fungi, yeast, bacteria, algae) collected during the EU project PharmaSea. Most samples are stored as 10 mg/mL stocks (DMSO), others at different concentrations or solvent (percentage) or as dried stock.
Provided to you by: EU-OPENSCREEN, EU-OPENSCREEN Partners & ERINHA
Due to the high demand in EU-OPENSCREEN services to support Diagnostic and Therapeutic Development, there is insufficient EC funding to provide you with our services at this time. Feel free to submit a pre-application to enter your research proposal into our list of potential future projects. They will be considered in received order, should additional funding become available in the future. Thank you very much for your understanding.
All the services listed below are available for access regardless of the call for proposals & research topic that you select in your pre-application form. Services using replication-competent pathogens are indicated in the descriptions below along with the biosafety level. When applicable, fragments of pathogens are used (e.g., antibody discovery). For confirming the feasibility of your request, please contact us.
Library preparation
VHH library preparation Preparation of VHH libraries in phagmid vectors including pSEX81 and pMES4. Libraries from naive or immunized alpaca of very high efficiency.
Protein overexpression in E. coli system (vector provided by applicant)
Protein purification and verification by mass spectrometry
Phage-display nanobody (VHH) library screen
Verification of positive clones by ELISA test
Nanobody sequence identification
Antibody discovery and selection from B cells Identification of antibodies from plasma of convalescent patients by B-cell cloning
Antigen or antibody design and engineering Design and engineering of antibody with specific functions and suitable formats (IgG, Fab, single chain antibodies); engineering for increased stability, solubility, modulation of complement engagement, multi-specific constructs
Antibody and/or antigen production and characterization
Antigen and/or antibody production, purification and characterization Antibody and/or antigen production and purification, quality control of the samples, biophysical characterization (binding affinity, functionality, epitope mapping), in vitro neutralization assays
3D structural models 3D structural analysis of antibodies, antigens and antibody-antigen complexes with experimentally guided computational simulations
Physico-chemical measurements of quality attributes Structure, stability, aggregation (digital electrophoresis, DLS, CD, AUC, Multi Detector-AF4, SPR)
Assessment of endotoxin contamination LAL tests
Evaluation of the selective antiviral activity of antibodies in virus-cell-based assays
SERVICES PROVIDED TO YOU BY: Transvac, VetBioNet & Instruct
Vaccine development requires a combination of specialized skills and technical capacities not readily available at a single organization. Find all those skills and capacities in our catalogue.
Please note that all in vivo models for studying immunogenicity, adjuvants or vaccine efficacy are available in the IN VIVO MODELS catalogue of services.
The services listed below are available for access regardless of the call for proposals and research topic you select in your pre-application form. When applicable, viral-like particles and/or pseudoviruses are used as study models for pathogens of interest.
Cross-platform screening and pre‑clinical optimization with access to vaccine platform technologies (including proteins, viral like particles, viral vectors) and expression systems (including mammalian and insect cells) Small-to-medium-scale (mg-scale) expression and purification of antigens from multiple candidate constructs. Expression can be compared in multiple expression systems, including P. pastoris, L. lactis, E. coli; Nicotiana; and constitutive/transient expression in mammalian/ insect cells. Vaccine formats include design and production of viral vector vaccines, Adenovirus (human and chimpanzee) and MVA
Custom construction of nanoparticles based on respiratory syncytial virus nucleoprotein as booster for antigen presentation
Custom construction of recombinant viral proteins in HEK Freestyle cells
Custom construction of recombinant vaccine Two available backbones (non-deleted or E1-deleted genomes) derived from the Manhattan vaccine strain of the canine adenovirus type 2 (CAV-2)
Design and development of nanoparticle-based mucosal vaccine systems for SARS-CoV-2 or other respiratory pathogens
Expression and purification of SARS-CoV structural proteins for vaccination and in vitro diagnostics Expression systems available: E. coli, baculovirus
Development and characterisation of vaccine formulations with liposomal adjuvants CAF01 and CAF09b
Provision of CAF01 and CAF09b adjuvants at GMP grade for use in clinical studies
Development and characterisation of vaccine formulations with adjuvants SWE, SQ, and SMQ and liposome adjuvants LQ and LMQ
Upscaling of emulsion adjuvants (SQ, SMQ) and liposome adjuvants (LQ, LMQ) from lab-scale to pilot-scale prior to tech-transferto CDMO for GMP production
Provision of SWE emulsion adjuvant at GMP grade for use in clinical studies
Formulation and characterisation of vaccine candidates paired with mucosal or parenteral adjuvants.
Provided to you by: Instruct & the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
You can access these services for all the open calls.
Regulatory oversight & advice
Assessment of regulatory requirement for marketing authorization
Scientific advice for preparing an application to the European Medicines Agency
Informal scientific advice with selected national competent authorities, for highly complex projects
Pre-clinical and clinical development plan development – Target Product Profile (TPP) and Investigational Medicinal Product Dossier (IMPD)
Regulatory requirements for trial authorization and subsequent amendments by competent authorities and ethics committees, fast track procedures, coordinated authorization
If you are a researcher, principal investigator or Sponsor, reach out to ECRIN for assistance in planning and design of your clinical research proposals. Please note that these services do not encompass the operational costs of conducting a clinical trial.
Protocol Design For Clinical Trials
Support for clinical trial methodology, selection of trial design, endpoints and core outcome measures
Planning For clinical trials
Planning of clinical trial operations, including regulatory / ethical requirements, informed consent, data monitoring plan, data management and data sharing plan
Supporting the development of the main aspects of funding applications including grant proposals and preparation of trial budget
Support in identifying available funding mechanisms
Advice on strategies for site selection and patient recruitment
Task distribution for multinational study management Open access tools (
Access to ongoing platform trials for new therapeutic, prevention or vaccine intervention arms (Only for SARS-COV-2/COVID-19)
This service offers to conduct clinical trials as new intervention arms in one of the three EU-funded adaptive platform trials (including operational management services such as regulatory/ethical submission of protocol amendments, IMP management, pharmacovigilance, data management, monitoring):
REMAP‑COVID (also known as REMAP-CAP), an international platform trial for CAP (community acquired pneumonia) initiated in 2014 and rapidly expanded to include COVID-19 patients. Several domains of this trial are exclusive for patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19.
EU‑SolidAct a pan-European adaptive platform trial involved with rapid and coordinated investigation of new and repurposed medications to treat Covid-19 in hospitalized patients.
If you need support for your research on other pathogens with epidemic or pandemic potential such as orthopoxviruses, polio & non polio enteroviruses, or pathogen X, please contact us.
Bioimaging (Immunofluorescence, electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, histology, etc.)
To make sure that the type of analysis you are interested in can be performed in specific cell models, please do not hesitate to contact us
Blood vessel
3D tissue and cell printer
Cattle, Chicken
Table 1: Organoids
Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
Airway nasal
Airway tracheal
Airway bronchial
Cattle, Chicken, Pig
Airway nasal
Sheep, Pig
Airway tracheal
Sheep, Pig, Mouse
Airway bronchial
Sheep, Pig
Cattle, Chicken
Table 2: Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
Bioimaging (Immunofluorescence, electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, histology, etc.)
To make sure that the type of analysis you are interested in can be performed in specific cell models, please do not hesitate to contact us
Blood vessel
Table 1: Organoids
Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
Table 2: Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
All the services listed below are available for access regardless of the call for proposals and research topic that you select in your pre-application form.
Social sciences preparedness and response interventions
Vulnerability assessments This service provides ethnographic investigation of locally-defined case definitions of social groups most likely to be marginalized or excluded before or during an epidemic; offer systematic analysis of complex factors leading to or aggravating marginalization
Protocols & implementationfor public engagement, acceptability and compliance with epidemic control efforts: clinical trials, nonpharmaceutical interventions, and vaccination This service will develop protocols for assessing the public engagement, acceptability and compliance with control efforts of targeted measures and if needed, support the implementation of these protocols
Post-intervention evaluation
Intervention or response evaluation Evaluation of the planning, development and implementation of specific epidemic intervention or response (including for COVID-19 pandemic)
Ethical evaluation: post-intervention assessment of ethical stakes at country level in West and Central Africa. Service available for West and Central Africa French-speaking countries. Evaluation of ethical dimensions/consequences of an intervention, (including and specific to the COVID-19 pandemic): Socio-anthropological assessment based on enquiries with national and local authorities, communities, teams and participants in the project. Offers assessment of social effects of program. Service is available for West and Central Africa French-speaking countries.
Ethical evaluation: Ethical assessment of program/intervention (elsewhere) Evaluation of ethical dimensions/consequences of an intervention, (including and specific to the COVID-19 pandemic): Ethical evaluation of program or intervention by trained and experienced bioethics team
Scale-up services for qualitative analyses and epidemic response
Demographic, health, socio-economic data and analyses Scaling up of existing qualitative analyses to demographic, health and socio-economic data and analyses
Policy analysis Systematic review of local policy measures and synthesis of key lessons learnt to inform scale-up in preparedness and ongoing response
Cost benefit analysis of epidemic response measure
Cost benefit analysis of epidemic response measure Evaluation of costs and benefits associated with public health intervention (including COVID-19), resulting in a report to be delivered at end of service
Community surveillance and social dimensions of outbreak investigation
Design of community surveillance activities for human and animal health, to complement existing surveillance systems Develop an adapted, locally appropriate plan for community detection of outbreaks of new COVID-19 waves. This service would enable local public health authorities to identify social risks and to facilitate community engagement and participation in the identification of these risks. Where appropriate, this plan will include human interactions with potential animal reservoirs in which COVID-19 has been detected. Rapid quantitative and qualitative methods, including key informant interviews and targeted focus group discussions will be employed
Design, implementation and supervision of community surveillance activities for human and animal health, to complement existing surveillance systems Develop an adapted, locally appropriate plan for community detection of outbreaks of new COVID-19 waves. This service would enable local public health authorities to identify social risks and to facilitate community engagement and participation in the identification of these risks. Where appropriate, this plan will include human interactions with potential animal reservoirs in which COVID-19 has been detected. Rapid quantitative and qualitative methods, including key informant interviews and targeted focus group discussions will be employed
Development of protocol of social sciences community investigation of human/animal disease outbreak This service will offer the development of a protocol to investigate the social dimensions of new outbreaks that may involve spill overs from animals into human beings (as well as spillbacks). The service will provide understanding of specific social, cultural and livelihood dimensions of human-animal interactions as well as concrete recommendations for prevention
Development and implementation of protocol of social sciences community investigation of human/animal disease outbreak This service will offer the development and implementation of a protocol to investigate the social dimensions of new outbreaks that may involve spill overs from animals into human beings (as well as spillbacks). The service will provide understanding of specific social, cultural and livelihood dimensions of human-animal interactions as well as concrete recommendations for prevention
Bioimaging (Immunofluorescence, electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, histology, etc.)
To make sure that the type of analysis you are interested in can be performed in specific cell models, please do not hesitate to contact us
Blood vessel
Cattle, Sheep, Pig
Table 1: Organoids
Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
Airway nasal
Airway tracheal
Airway bronchial
Cattle, Chicken
Airway nasal
Airway tracheal
Sheep, Mouse
Airway bronchial
Table 2: Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
Primary cells
Immune cells ( macrophages, dendritic cells)
Cultures from surgical specimens (Rift valley fever virus model)
The services listed below are available for access regardless of the call for proposals and research topic you select in your pre-application form.
Nanobody discovery
Generation and characterisation of conformational nanobodies (to facilitate the structural analysis of proteins that are notoriously difficult to purify, to crystallize or to study by another method.)
Rapid selection of nanobodies by screening/affinity maturation
Wide range of techniques to study the biophysical characterization of the structure, function and stability of biological macromolecules like proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and their complexes; as well as the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of their interaction.
Circular Dichroism
Differential Scanning Fluorescence
Differential Scanning Calorimetry
Dynamic Light Scattering
UV/Vis Spectrometry
Microscale Thermophoresis
Surface Plasmon Resonance,
High Throughput Biolayer Interferometry
Isothermal titration Calorimetry
Antibody screening in patient sera (Robotein automated Bimolecular analysis platform)
Single Molecule and Super-Resolution Microscopy for Structural Biology applications (Instruct)
Single-molecule detection with fluorescence microscopy techniques: using widefield microscopy such as TIRF, super-resolution methods SMLM (STORM, GSD/GSDIM, PALM, PAINT)
Mass Spectrometry
Native mass spectrometry
Single cell mass spectrometry
Proteomic mass spectrometry with possibility for plasma proteome analysis including monitoring of viral and immune response proteins, analysis of single viral proteins and binding to drugs and antibodies
Glycan analysis by Mass spectrometry
GC-MS for the analysis of cuticle thickness to test insecticide resistance in mosquitoes
Procedure to optimise crystallographic structure models, providing algorithms that make a fully automated decision-making system for refinement, rebuilding and validation.
AlphaFold models enriched with ligands and co-factors.
Provided to you by Euro-BioImaging ERIC & VetBioNet
All the services listed below are available for access at BSL-1 or BSL-2 regardless of the call for proposals & research topic that you select in your pre-application form.
Preparation of samples at BSL3 might be accommodated as part of the service.
Imaging services that can be provided directly in BSL-3 containment are marked with an *
Light Microscopy & Advanced Light Microscopy for Biological Imaging
Fluorescence microscopy
Laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM/CLSM)
Spinning disc confocal microscopy (SDCM)*
Light sheet microscopy (LSM) and lattice light sheet microscopy (LLSM)
Structured illumination microscopy (SIM)
Widefield microscopy: Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRF)
Deconvolution widefield microscopy (DWM)*
Image scanning microscopy
Two-Photon Microscopy/Multi-photon microscopy systems
Animal imaging (multimodal imaging of small animals)
Multimodal imaging of small animals
In vivo optical imaging
Intravital microscopy
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Ultra-sound imaging (US)
Computed tomography (CT)
Nuclear imaging (PET, SPECT)
Bimodal technologies
Provision of imaging probes/tracers
Animal Monitoring
Animal behaviour monitoring
Quantitative spatial-temporal monitoring of individual animals and groups using TrackLab or EthoVision XT software (computer vision, UWB, GPS sensors)
Computer-aided monitoring: Registration and analysis of manual observations of animals directly or with video feeds/films, potentially including synchronization of data streams, e.g., of physiology by means of The Observer XT
Animal physiology monitoring
Body temperature (combined with other variables as required), physiology sensors dependent on the animal species and variables required
Image Data & Image Analysis
Biological and Bio-Medical Image data analysis, including consultation and development of novel analysis and visualisation solutions
Bioimaging (Immunofluorescence, electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, histology, etc.)
To make sure that the type of analysis you are interested in can be performed in specific cell models, please do not hesitate to contact us
Blood vessel
3D tissue and cell printer
Table 1: Organoids
Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
Airway nasal
Airway tracheal
Airway bronchial
Airway nasal
Airway tracheal
Sheep, Mouse
Airway bronchial
Table 2: Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
SERVICES PROVIDED TO YOU BY: VetBioNet, Transvac, Infrafrontier, ERINHA & EMBRC
ISIDORe will only offer access to in vivo models in the absence of adequate alternative methods to achieve an identical result (REPLACE). Please do not forget to check out our wide range of EX VIVO MODELS.
When in vivo models cannot be substituted with any other comparable method, we will use the smallest number necessary for quality science (REDUCE), as well as state-of-the-art practices to protect animal welfare and prevent animal pain and distress (REFINE).
Positively evaluated requests for access to in vivo models will be subjected to institutional ethical evaluation before any implementation can happen.
The services listed below are a general overview of ISIDORe’s in vivo capacities. Models are not available for all species and/or all pathogens. If you want to make sure that we can provide access to your model of interest, please contact us:
Please note that agents from the Plasmodiidae and Trypanosomatidae famililes can only be studied in Arthropods.Main exceptions are indicated in brackets. Other specific exceptions may apply.
Provided to you by: VetBioNet, Infrafrontier & ERINHA
Guinea Pig (not available for vector-borne pathogens)
Sheep5 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Cattle (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Non-human primates
Camelids (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Chicken2 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Fruitbats (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Wildlife2,4 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Zebrafish (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Arthropods (Only available for vector-borne pathogens)
1 Includes models expressing human ACE2 2 Includes avian influenza models 3 Includes pig influenza models 4 Includes vector-transmission models 5 Includes pregnant sheep models
Please note that agents from the Plasmodiidae and Trypanosomatidae famililes can only be studied in Arthropods.Main exceptions are indicated in brackets. Other specific exceptions may apply.
Provided to you by: VetBioNet, Infrafrontier & ERINHA
Guinea Pig (not available for vector-borne pathogens)
Sheep5 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Cattle (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Non-human primates
Camelids (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Chicken2 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Fruitbats (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Wildlife2,4 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Zebrafish (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Arthropods (Only available for vector-borne pathogens)
1 Includes models expressing human ACE2 2 Includes avian influenza models 3 Includes pig influenza models 4 Includes vector-transmission models 5 Includes pregnant sheep models
Please note that agents from the Plasmodiidae and Trypanosomatidae famililes can only be studied in Arthropods.Main exceptions are indicated in brackets. Other specific exceptions may apply.
Guinea Pig (not available for vector-borne pathogens)
Sheep5 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Cattle (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Non-human primates
Camelids (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Chicken2 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Fruitbats (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Wildlife2,4 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Zebrafish (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Arthropods (Only available for vector-borne pathogens)
1 Includes models expressing human ACE2 2 Includes avian influenza models 3 Includes pig influenza models 4 Includes vector-transmission models 5 Includes pregnant sheep models
All of the vectors listed below can be provided free of pathogens. Some of the vectors listed below are provided ONLY free of pathogens and are marked with an *. If you want to make sure that we can provide access to your vector of interest, please contact us.
Immune-function profiling This service is available for access regardless of the call for proposals and research topic that you select in your pre-application form. Antigen-specific T proliferation and cytokine, chemokine and immune factor analysis (mass cytometry, FACSCanto, LSR IV, Symphony, Helios, Bio-Plex Multiplex immunoassay).
Immune-cell profiling This service is available for access in the following calls for proposals: CALL I (SARS-CoV-2), CALL IV (non-SARS-CoV-2 respiratory pathogens), CALL V (vector-borne pathogens), and CALL VI (Other epidemic-prone pathogens).
Antiviral screening & mucosal immunology This service is available for access for SARS-CoV-2 research projects. Including human airway models for testing drugs and for virus – cells interaction, to evaluate the role of individual immune subsets in different contexts against infectious disease and to characterize viral isolates.
Detection and quantification of SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells at the single cell level This service is available for access for SARS-CoV-2 and MPXV research projects
T-cell cloning and expansion This service is available for access for SARS-CoV-2 research projects. Determination of specificity
Detection and quantification of SARS-CoV-2-specific B cells at the single cell level This service is available for access for SARS-CoV-2 research projects.
Access to organoids, spheroids & multifluidic devicesfor immune surveillance(IncuCyte live-cell imaging of spheroids) This service is available for access for SARS-CoV-2 research projects.
Virus sequencing, non-coding RNA expression and antibody responses to viral antigens with high-content imaging and analysis.
Access to Multi-site Immuno-analysis of SARS-CoV-2, including analysis of infected samples based on metal tag detection by mass cytometry
Antibody profiling to evaluate the host immune response
ICS-T-cell-responses (TRM), Virus-immunome profiling Quantification of cytokines/chemokines (Bio-plex Multiplex Immunoassay), surface and intracellular detection of markers/cytokines (flow cytometry) in infected biological samples
Functional studies of pathogenicity of genetic variants at molecular and cellular level Including virus sequencing, non-coding RNAs expression and ELISA assay, drugs; drug testing
Epigenetics of immune cells To study genome-wide epigenetic changes including DNA methylation, histone modifications and non-coding RNAs expression
Immunoprofiling in swine and poultry Polychromatic flow cytometry assays, single cell immunomics, MHC haplotyping, Luminex cytokine profiling
The services listed below are available for access regardless of the call for proposals and research topic that you select in your pre-application form.
siRNA libraries
sgRNA/CRISPR Cas9 knockout libraries
RNAseq transcriptomics, 16S NGS microbiome analysis, metabolomics (LC-MS) in livestock
Specific primer sets and protocols for medium-throughput Fluidigm qPCR targeting up to 96 immune genes
All the services listed below are available for access at BSL-1 or BSL-2 regardless of the call for proposals & topic you select.
Development and validation of imaging probes Targeting of specific molecular inflammation markers or subpopulations of immune cells in surrogate infection models in vivo
Biomedical imaging technologies for monitoring the immune system
Optical imaging
Multimodal imaging
High-throughput Imaging & Bioimage Analysis PerkinElmer Opera Phenix & Molecular Devices ImageXpress Nano. Automation for sample processing and Imaging in both +37 C and RT. Image analysis pipelines and customized solutions for DNN based segmentation & classification in 2D and 3D.
Provided to you by the Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens (BRFAA), the Joanneum Research (JR), and Joint Research Center of European Commission (JRC) in collaboration with EU-OPENSCREEN
Due to the high demand in EU-OPENSCREEN services to support Diagnostic and Therapeutic Development, there is insufficient EC funding to provide you with our services at this time. Feel free to submit a pre-application to enter your research proposal into our list of potential future projects. They will be considered in received order, should additional funding become available in the future. Thank you very much for your understanding.
All the services listed below are available for access at BSL-1 or BSL-2 regardless of the call for proposals & research topic that you select in your pre-application form:
Characterization of in-vitro diagnostic devices and sensing platforms Electron microscopy (SEM-EDX, TEM-EDX); Surface analysis (XPS, TOF-SIMS); Raman Microscope; Array scanner
Assay development (molecular and biochemical) and integration to IVD devices Customization of existing assays to be integrated into LoCs, biosensors and microfluidics-based devices
Testing of developed and optimized assays, biosensors, LoCs and microfluidics-based devices with well-characterized samples Extensive biobank of blood & nasopharyngeal samples from patients infected with various viral and bacterial pathogens.
Surface functionalization Development of surface modification techniques towards biomolecule immobilization and biosensor fabrication or tailoring of surface properties (antifouling, surface energy etc.)
Lab-on-a-chip design Simulation-based fluidics design for existing assays
Lab-on-a-chip implementation Implementation and adaptation of existing assays into foil-based lab-on-chip
Lab-on-a-chip demonstrator Foil-based lab-on-chip demonstrator device development for existing assays
Matrix customized methods (e.g., non-human samples) and multiplexed pathogen detection Development/application of rapid, low cost, high throughput molecular methods for population screening
Personalized training in the development and application of molecular diagnostics for vector monitoring Personalized (1-2 people) laboratory training in state-of-the art molecular biology laboratories to develop and apply molecular diagnostics relevant for modern vector monitoring.
Once you have submitted the ISIDORe pre-application below, please complete the Full application for access to this Personalized Training. Access to the personnal training application
Due to the high demand in EU-OPENSCREEN services to support Diagnostic and Therapeutic Development, there is insufficient EC funding to provide you with our services at this time. Feel free to submit a pre-application to enter your research proposal into our list of potential future projects. They will be considered in received order, should additional funding become available in the future. Thank you very much for your understanding.
All the services listed below are available for access regardless of the call for proposals & research topic that you select in your pre-application form. The maximum biosafety level of containment for the performance of the experiments is indicated in the description of the services. For confirming the feasibility of your request, please contact us.
Small molecule libraries – provided ONLY in combination with high throughput screening (HTS) services offered below
Repurposing Library Preparation of assay-ready plates with drug repurposing libraries containing approved and clinical trial compounds
European Chemical Biology Library (ECBL) Preparation of assay-ready plates with 100.000 small molecules containing approx. 2464 bioactives
EU-OPENSCREEN Fragment Library Preparation of plates with approx. 1000 fragments including 88 minifrags
EU-OPENSCREEN Bioactives Preparation of plates with 2464 bioactives
Assay development, high throughput screening and hit profiling services for identification of active small molecule and host-targeting agents
Assay development Assay design and development in a broad range of readouts including phenotypic assays in BSL2-BSL3 facilities (bacterial growth inhibition and viral infection inhibition, cell-based HCS, host cell response), and BSL1 in-vitro target-based assays with specific bacterial, viral and human targets
Biochemical and enzymatic target-based high-throughput screening High-throughput screening using BSL1 in-vitro target-based assays with specific bacterial, viral and human targets. The assay needs to be HTS-compatible with demonstrated performance in 384-well format. The service includes assay transfer, HTS and hit validation Do not forget to request library if necessary.
Cell-based high-throughput screening Cell-based screen including phenotypic, and target-based that can be run in both, human and bacterial, cells in BSL2 facilities. The assay needs to be HTS-compatible with demonstrated performance in 384-well format. The service includes assay transfer, HTS and hit validation Do not forget to request library if necessary
Low- and medium-throughput screening in BSL3 facilities Cell-based screen including phenotypic, and target-based that can be run in human cells and pathogen infection models in BSL3 facilities. The service includes assay transfer, screening and hit validation
Fragment screening Includes assay development, screening and hit validation
Hit validation and profiling Disease-relevant models, ADMET, ROS‑tox and others
Natural compound libraries (500 compounds) obtained from various marine organisms (bacteria, fungi, sponges)
>14000 samples (crude extracts and fractions of pre-fractionated extracts) from marine micro-organisms (i.e., fungi, yeast, bacteria, algae) collected during the EU project PharmaSea. Most samples are stored as 10 mg/mL stocks (DMSO), others at different concentrations or solvent (percentage) or as dried stock.
Provided to you by: EU-OPENSCREEN, EU-OPENSCREEN Partners & ERINHA
Due to the high demand in EU-OPENSCREEN services to support Diagnostic and Therapeutic Development, there is insufficient EC funding to provide you with our services at this time. Feel free to submit a pre-application to enter your research proposal into our list of potential future projects. They will be considered in received order, should additional funding become available in the future. Thank you very much for your understanding.
All the services listed below are available for access regardless of the call for proposals & research topic that you select in your pre-application form. Services using replication-competent pathogens are indicated in the descriptions below along with the biosafety level. When applicable, fragments of pathogens are used (e.g., antibody discovery). For confirming the feasibility of your request, please contact us.
Library preparation
VHH library preparation Preparation of VHH libraries in phagmid vectors including pSEX81 and pMES4. Libraries from naive or immunized alpaca of very high efficiency.
Protein overexpression in E. coli system (vector provided by applicant)
Protein purification and verification by mass spectrometry
Phage-display nanobody (VHH) library screen
Verification of positive clones by ELISA test
Nanobody sequence identification
Antibody discovery and selection from B cells Identification of antibodies from plasma of convalescent patients by B-cell cloning
Antigen or antibody design and engineering Design and engineering of antibody with specific functions and suitable formats (IgG, Fab, single chain antibodies); engineering for increased stability, solubility, modulation of complement engagement, multi-specific constructs
Antibody and/or antigen production and characterization
Antigen and/or antibody production, purification and characterization Antibody and/or antigen production and purification, quality control of the samples, biophysical characterization (binding affinity, functionality, epitope mapping), in vitro neutralization assays
3D structural models 3D structural analysis of antibodies, antigens and antibody-antigen complexes with experimentally guided computational simulations
Physico-chemical measurements of quality attributes Structure, stability, aggregation (digital electrophoresis, DLS, CD, AUC, Multi Detector-AF4, SPR)
Assessment of endotoxin contamination LAL tests
Evaluation of the selective antiviral activity of antibodies in virus-cell-based assays
SERVICES PROVIDED TO YOU BY: Transvac, VetBioNet & Instruct
Vaccine development requires a combination of specialized skills and technical capacities not readily available at a single organization. Find all those skills and capacities in our catalogue.
Please note that all in vivo models for studying immunogenicity, adjuvants or vaccine efficacy are available in the IN VIVO MODELS catalogue of services.
The services listed below are available for access regardless of the call for proposals and research topic you select in your pre-application form. When applicable, viral-like particles and/or pseudoviruses are used as study models for pathogens of interest.
Cross-platform screening and pre‑clinical optimization with access to vaccine platform technologies (including proteins, viral like particles, viral vectors) and expression systems (including mammalian and insect cells) Small-to-medium-scale (mg-scale) expression and purification of antigens from multiple candidate constructs. Expression can be compared in multiple expression systems, including P. pastoris, L. lactis, E. coli; Nicotiana; and constitutive/transient expression in mammalian/ insect cells. Vaccine formats include design and production of viral vector vaccines, Adenovirus (human and chimpanzee) and MVA
Custom construction of nanoparticles based on respiratory syncytial virus nucleoprotein as booster for antigen presentation
Custom construction of recombinant viral proteins in HEK Freestyle cells
Custom construction of recombinant vaccine Two available backbones (non-deleted or E1-deleted genomes) derived from the Manhattan vaccine strain of the canine adenovirus type 2 (CAV-2)
Design and development of nanoparticle-based mucosal vaccine systems for SARS-CoV-2 or other respiratory pathogens
Expression and purification of SARS-CoV structural proteins for vaccination and in vitro diagnostics Expression systems available: E. coli, baculovirus
Development and characterisation of vaccine formulations with liposomal adjuvants CAF01 and CAF09b
Provision of CAF01 and CAF09b adjuvants at GMP grade for use in clinical studies
Development and characterisation of vaccine formulations with adjuvants SWE, SQ, and SMQ and liposome adjuvants LQ and LMQ
Upscaling of emulsion adjuvants (SQ, SMQ) and liposome adjuvants (LQ, LMQ) from lab-scale to pilot-scale prior to tech-transferto CDMO for GMP production
Provision of SWE emulsion adjuvant at GMP grade for use in clinical studies
Formulation and characterisation of vaccine candidates paired with mucosal or parenteral adjuvants.
Provided to you by: Instruct & the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
You can access these services for all the open calls.
Regulatory oversight & advice
Assessment of regulatory requirement for marketing authorization
Scientific advice for preparing an application to the European Medicines Agency
Informal scientific advice with selected national competent authorities, for highly complex projects
Pre-clinical and clinical development plan development – Target Product Profile (TPP) and Investigational Medicinal Product Dossier (IMPD)
Regulatory requirements for trial authorization and subsequent amendments by competent authorities and ethics committees, fast track procedures, coordinated authorization
If you are a researcher, principal investigator or Sponsor, reach out to ECRIN for assistance in planning and design of your clinical research proposals. Please note that these services do not encompass the operational costs of conducting a clinical trial.
Protocol Design For Clinical Trials
Support for clinical trial methodology, selection of trial design, endpoints and core outcome measures
Planning For clinical trials
Planning of clinical trial operations, including regulatory / ethical requirements, informed consent, data monitoring plan, data management and data sharing plan
Supporting the development of the main aspects of funding applications including grant proposals and preparation of trial budget
Support in identifying available funding mechanisms
Advice on strategies for site selection and patient recruitment
Task distribution for multinational study management Open access tools (
Access to ongoing platform trials for new therapeutic, prevention or vaccine intervention arms (Only for SARS-COV-2/COVID-19)
This service offers to conduct clinical trials as new intervention arms in one of the three EU-funded adaptive platform trials (including operational management services such as regulatory/ethical submission of protocol amendments, IMP management, pharmacovigilance, data management, monitoring):
REMAP‑COVID (also known as REMAP-CAP), an international platform trial for CAP (community acquired pneumonia) initiated in 2014 and rapidly expanded to include COVID-19 patients. Several domains of this trial are exclusive for patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19.
EU‑SolidAct a pan-European adaptive platform trial involved with rapid and coordinated investigation of new and repurposed medications to treat Covid-19 in hospitalized patients.
If you need support for your research on other pathogens with epidemic or pandemic potential such as orthopoxviruses, polio & non polio enteroviruses, or pathogen X, please contact us.
Bioimaging (Immunofluorescence, electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, histology, etc.)
To make sure that the type of analysis you are interested in can be performed in specific cell models, please do not hesitate to contact us
Blood vessel
3D tissue and cell printer
Cattle, Chicken
Table 1: Organoids
Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
Airway nasal
Airway tracheal
Airway bronchial
Cattle, Chicken, Pig
Airway nasal
Sheep, Pig
Airway tracheal
Sheep, Pig, Mouse
Airway bronchial
Sheep, Pig
Cattle, Chicken
Table 2: Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
Bioimaging (Immunofluorescence, electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, histology, etc.)
To make sure that the type of analysis you are interested in can be performed in specific cell models, please do not hesitate to contact us
Blood vessel
Table 1: Organoids
Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
Table 2: Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
All the services listed below are available for access regardless of the call for proposals and research topic that you select in your pre-application form.
Social sciences preparedness and response interventions
Vulnerability assessments This service provides ethnographic investigation of locally-defined case definitions of social groups most likely to be marginalized or excluded before or during an epidemic; offer systematic analysis of complex factors leading to or aggravating marginalization
Protocols & implementationfor public engagement, acceptability and compliance with epidemic control efforts: clinical trials, nonpharmaceutical interventions, and vaccination This service will develop protocols for assessing the public engagement, acceptability and compliance with control efforts of targeted measures and if needed, support the implementation of these protocols
Post-intervention evaluation
Intervention or response evaluation Evaluation of the planning, development and implementation of specific epidemic intervention or response (including for COVID-19 pandemic)
Ethical evaluation: post-intervention assessment of ethical stakes at country level in West and Central Africa. Service available for West and Central Africa French-speaking countries. Evaluation of ethical dimensions/consequences of an intervention, (including and specific to the COVID-19 pandemic): Socio-anthropological assessment based on enquiries with national and local authorities, communities, teams and participants in the project. Offers assessment of social effects of program. Service is available for West and Central Africa French-speaking countries.
Ethical evaluation: Ethical assessment of program/intervention (elsewhere) Evaluation of ethical dimensions/consequences of an intervention, (including and specific to the COVID-19 pandemic): Ethical evaluation of program or intervention by trained and experienced bioethics team
Scale-up services for qualitative analyses and epidemic response
Demographic, health, socio-economic data and analyses Scaling up of existing qualitative analyses to demographic, health and socio-economic data and analyses
Policy analysis Systematic review of local policy measures and synthesis of key lessons learnt to inform scale-up in preparedness and ongoing response
Cost benefit analysis of epidemic response measure
Cost benefit analysis of epidemic response measure Evaluation of costs and benefits associated with public health intervention (including COVID-19), resulting in a report to be delivered at end of service
Community surveillance and social dimensions of outbreak investigation
Design of community surveillance activities for human and animal health, to complement existing surveillance systems Develop an adapted, locally appropriate plan for community detection of outbreaks of new COVID-19 waves. This service would enable local public health authorities to identify social risks and to facilitate community engagement and participation in the identification of these risks. Where appropriate, this plan will include human interactions with potential animal reservoirs in which COVID-19 has been detected. Rapid quantitative and qualitative methods, including key informant interviews and targeted focus group discussions will be employed
Design, implementation and supervision of community surveillance activities for human and animal health, to complement existing surveillance systems Develop an adapted, locally appropriate plan for community detection of outbreaks of new COVID-19 waves. This service would enable local public health authorities to identify social risks and to facilitate community engagement and participation in the identification of these risks. Where appropriate, this plan will include human interactions with potential animal reservoirs in which COVID-19 has been detected. Rapid quantitative and qualitative methods, including key informant interviews and targeted focus group discussions will be employed
Development of protocol of social sciences community investigation of human/animal disease outbreak This service will offer the development of a protocol to investigate the social dimensions of new outbreaks that may involve spill overs from animals into human beings (as well as spillbacks). The service will provide understanding of specific social, cultural and livelihood dimensions of human-animal interactions as well as concrete recommendations for prevention
Development and implementation of protocol of social sciences community investigation of human/animal disease outbreak This service will offer the development and implementation of a protocol to investigate the social dimensions of new outbreaks that may involve spill overs from animals into human beings (as well as spillbacks). The service will provide understanding of specific social, cultural and livelihood dimensions of human-animal interactions as well as concrete recommendations for prevention
Bioimaging (Immunofluorescence, electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, histology, etc.)
To make sure that the type of analysis you are interested in can be performed in specific cell models, please do not hesitate to contact us
Blood vessel
Cattle, Sheep, Pig
Table 1: Organoids
Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
Airway nasal
Airway tracheal
Airway bronchial
Cattle, Chicken
Airway nasal
Airway tracheal
Sheep, Mouse
Airway bronchial
Table 2: Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
Primary cells
Immune cells ( macrophages, dendritic cells)
Cultures from surgical specimens (Rift valley fever virus model)
The services listed below are available for access regardless of the call for proposals and research topic you select in your pre-application form.
Nanobody discovery
Generation and characterisation of conformational nanobodies (to facilitate the structural analysis of proteins that are notoriously difficult to purify, to crystallize or to study by another method.)
Rapid selection of nanobodies by screening/affinity maturation
Wide range of techniques to study the biophysical characterization of the structure, function and stability of biological macromolecules like proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and their complexes; as well as the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of their interaction.
Circular Dichroism
Differential Scanning Fluorescence
Differential Scanning Calorimetry
Dynamic Light Scattering
UV/Vis Spectrometry
Microscale Thermophoresis
Surface Plasmon Resonance,
High Throughput Biolayer Interferometry
Isothermal titration Calorimetry
Antibody screening in patient sera (Robotein automated Bimolecular analysis platform)
Single Molecule and Super-Resolution Microscopy for Structural Biology applications (Instruct)
Single-molecule detection with fluorescence microscopy techniques: using widefield microscopy such as TIRF, super-resolution methods SMLM (STORM, GSD/GSDIM, PALM, PAINT)
Mass Spectrometry
Native mass spectrometry
Single cell mass spectrometry
Proteomic mass spectrometry with possibility for plasma proteome analysis including monitoring of viral and immune response proteins, analysis of single viral proteins and binding to drugs and antibodies
Glycan analysis by Mass spectrometry
GC-MS for the analysis of cuticle thickness to test insecticide resistance in mosquitoes
Procedure to optimise crystallographic structure models, providing algorithms that make a fully automated decision-making system for refinement, rebuilding and validation.
AlphaFold models enriched with ligands and co-factors.
Provided to you by Euro-BioImaging ERIC & VetBioNet
All the services listed below are available for access at BSL-1 or BSL-2 regardless of the call for proposals & research topic that you select in your pre-application form.
Preparation of samples at BSL3 might be accommodated as part of the service.
Imaging services that can be provided directly in BSL-3 containment are marked with an *
Light Microscopy & Advanced Light Microscopy for Biological Imaging
Fluorescence microscopy
Laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM/CLSM)
Spinning disc confocal microscopy (SDCM)*
Light sheet microscopy (LSM) and lattice light sheet microscopy (LLSM)
Structured illumination microscopy (SIM)
Widefield microscopy: Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRF)
Deconvolution widefield microscopy (DWM)*
Image scanning microscopy
Two-Photon Microscopy/Multi-photon microscopy systems
Animal imaging (multimodal imaging of small animals)
Multimodal imaging of small animals
In vivo optical imaging
Intravital microscopy
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Ultra-sound imaging (US)
Computed tomography (CT)
Nuclear imaging (PET, SPECT)
Bimodal technologies
Provision of imaging probes/tracers
Animal Monitoring
Animal behaviour monitoring
Quantitative spatial-temporal monitoring of individual animals and groups using TrackLab or EthoVision XT software (computer vision, UWB, GPS sensors)
Computer-aided monitoring: Registration and analysis of manual observations of animals directly or with video feeds/films, potentially including synchronization of data streams, e.g., of physiology by means of The Observer XT
Animal physiology monitoring
Body temperature (combined with other variables as required), physiology sensors dependent on the animal species and variables required
Image Data & Image Analysis
Biological and Bio-Medical Image data analysis, including consultation and development of novel analysis and visualisation solutions
Bioimaging (Immunofluorescence, electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, histology, etc.)
To make sure that the type of analysis you are interested in can be performed in specific cell models, please do not hesitate to contact us
Blood vessel
3D tissue and cell printer
Table 1: Organoids
Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
Airway nasal
Airway tracheal
Airway bronchial
Airway nasal
Airway tracheal
Sheep, Mouse
Airway bronchial
Table 2: Air Liquid Interface (ALI) polarised cells
SERVICES PROVIDED TO YOU BY: VetBioNet, Transvac, Infrafrontier, ERINHA & EMBRC
ISIDORe will only offer access to in vivo models in the absence of adequate alternative methods to achieve an identical result (REPLACE). Please do not forget to check out our wide range of EX VIVO MODELS.
When in vivo models cannot be substituted with any other comparable method, we will use the smallest number necessary for quality science (REDUCE), as well as state-of-the-art practices to protect animal welfare and prevent animal pain and distress (REFINE).
Positively evaluated requests for access to in vivo models will be subjected to institutional ethical evaluation before any implementation can happen.
The services listed below are a general overview of ISIDORe’s in vivo capacities. Models are not available for all species and/or all pathogens. If you want to make sure that we can provide access to your model of interest, please contact us:
Please note that agents from the Plasmodiidae and Trypanosomatidae famililes can only be studied in Arthropods.Main exceptions are indicated in brackets. Other specific exceptions may apply.
Provided to you by: VetBioNet, Infrafrontier & ERINHA
Guinea Pig (not available for vector-borne pathogens)
Sheep5 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Cattle (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Non-human primates
Camelids (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Chicken2 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Fruitbats (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Wildlife2,4 (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Zebrafish (not available for RG4 pathogens)
Arthropods (Only available for vector-borne pathogens)
1 Includes models expressing human ACE2 2 Includes avian influenza models 3 Includes pig influenza models 4 Includes vector-transmission models 5 Includes pregnant sheep models
Please note that agents from the Plasmodiidae and Trypanosomatidae famililes can only be studied in Arthropods.Main exceptions are indicated in brackets. Other specific exceptions may apply.
Provided to you by: VetBioNet, Infrafrontier & ERINHA