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ISIDORe project home / Services / SUSPENDED: Social Sciences & Epidemiology


Understanding the distribution, social, political, economic and ecological contexts of infectious diseases.

All the services listed below are available for access regardless of the call for proposals and research topic that you select in your pre-application form.


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Sarah Marsh ARNAUD

Social sciences preparedness and response interventions

  • Vulnerability assessments
    This service provides ethnographic investigation of locally-defined case definitions of social groups most likely to be marginalized or excluded before or during an epidemic; offer systematic analysis of complex factors leading to or aggravating marginalization
  • Protocols & implementation for public engagement, acceptability and compliance with epidemic control efforts: clinical trials, nonpharmaceutical interventions, and vaccination
    This service will develop protocols for assessing the public engagement, acceptability and compliance with control efforts of targeted measures and if needed, support the implementation of these protocols

Post-intervention evaluation

  • Intervention or response evaluation
    Evaluation of the planning, development and implementation of specific epidemic intervention or response (including for COVID-19 pandemic)
  • Ethical evaluation: post-intervention assessment of ethical stakes at country level in West and Central Africa.
    Service available for West and Central Africa French-speaking countries.
    Evaluation of ethical dimensions/consequences of an intervention, (including and specific to the COVID-19 pandemic): Socio-anthropological assessment based on enquiries with national and local authorities, communities, teams and participants in the project. Offers assessment of social effects of program. Service is available for West and Central Africa French-speaking countries.
  • Ethical evaluation: Ethical assessment of program/intervention (elsewhere)
    Evaluation of ethical dimensions/consequences of an intervention, (including and specific to the COVID-19 pandemic): Ethical evaluation of program or intervention by trained and experienced bioethics team

Scale-up services for qualitative analyses and epidemic response

  • Demographic, health, socio-economic data and analyses
    Scaling up of existing qualitative analyses to demographic, health and socio-economic data and analyses
  • Policy analysis
    Systematic review of local policy measures and synthesis of key lessons learnt to inform scale-up in preparedness and ongoing response

Cost benefit analysis of epidemic response measure

  • Cost benefit analysis of epidemic response measure
    Evaluation of costs and benefits associated with public health intervention (including COVID-19), resulting in a report to be delivered at end of service

Community surveillance and social dimensions of outbreak investigation

  • Design of community surveillance activities for human and animal health, to complement existing surveillance systems
    Develop an adapted, locally appropriate plan for community detection of outbreaks of new COVID-19 waves. This service would enable local public health authorities to identify social risks and to facilitate community engagement and participation in the identification of these risks. Where appropriate, this plan will include human interactions with potential animal reservoirs in which COVID-19 has been detected.  Rapid quantitative and qualitative methods, including key informant interviews and targeted focus group discussions will be employed 
  • Design, implementation and supervision of community surveillance activities for human and animal health, to complement existing surveillance systems
    Develop an adapted, locally appropriate plan for community detection of outbreaks of new COVID-19 waves. This service would enable local public health authorities to identify social risks and to facilitate community engagement and participation in the identification of these risks. Where appropriate, this plan will include human interactions with potential animal reservoirs in which COVID-19 has been detected.  Rapid quantitative and qualitative methods, including key informant interviews and targeted focus group discussions will be employed 
  • Development of protocol of social sciences community investigation of human/animal disease outbreak
    This service will offer the development of a protocol to investigate the social dimensions of new outbreaks that may involve spill overs from animals into human beings (as well as spillbacks). The service will provide understanding of specific social, cultural and livelihood dimensions of human-animal interactions as well as concrete recommendations for prevention
  • Development and implementation of protocol of social sciences community investigation of human/animal disease outbreak
    This service will offer the development and implementation of a protocol to investigate the social dimensions of new outbreaks that may involve spill overs from animals into human beings (as well as spillbacks). The service will provide understanding of specific social, cultural and livelihood dimensions of human-animal interactions as well as concrete recommendations for prevention


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Sequencing services on disease surveillance can be found here.

  • Vector field site access and training
  • Spacial modelling


Provided to you by: INFRAVEC


Vector fieldwork Services