A stylized globe graphic, with the EU area emphasized

About Us

Discover our mission, partners, governance and more.

Our mission

Increasing European and global capacity to prevent and respond to infectious threats.

The ISIDORe project assembles the largest and most diverse research and service-providing instrument to study infectious diseases in Europe, with expertise from structural biology to clinical trials.

By giving scientists access to the whole extent of our state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge services, advanced equipment and expertise, in an integrated way and with a common goal, we will accelerate the generation of new knowledge and intervention tools to enhance Europe’s capacity for controlling (re)emerging and epidemic infectious diseases, starting with the COVID-19 pandemic.


Under the umbrella of 17 major European life sciences research infrastructures and infectious diseases networks coordinated by ERINHA,  we bring together 154 research entities and organizations providing services to advance research on epidemic-prone diseases.

Visit our partner 0-Erinha Partner organization Erinha Visit our partner BBMRI Partner organization BBMRI Visit our partner Eatris Partner organization Eatris Visit our partner Ecrin Partner organization Ecrin Visit our partner Elixir Partner organization Elixir Visit our partner Embrc Partner organization EMBRC Visit our partner EU-Openscreen Partner organization EU-Openscreen Visit our partner Euro-Bioimaging Partner organization Euro-Bioimaging Visit our partner Eva-g Partner organization Evag Visit our partner Infrafrontier Partner organization Infrafrontier Visit our partner Infravec Our partner Infravec Visit our partner Instruct Partner Instruct Visit our partner Mirri Our partner Mirri Visit our partner Sonar-Global Partner logo Sonar-Global Visit our partner Transvac Partner Transvac Visit our partner Vetbionet Partner Vetbionet

ISIDORe by numbers

A large-scale multidisciplinary consortium addressing the users’ needs

Funding, million euros






Countries involved


Duration, years


Flavor image: scientists working in a laboratory


ISIDORe supports scientists and their research on epidemic- and pandemic-prone pathogens, the development of medical countermeasures, with the aim of increasing resilience in the face of epidemics in Europe and globally.

Free transnational access to research resources, services and expertise

We provide free transnational access to a comprehensive portfolio of high-quality services that support user projects.

See the full catalogue of services here.

Transnational access (TNA) calls for proposals

The provision of research services to researchers is organised through calls for proposals and the selection of research projects to access ISIDORe resources for free.

Learn about Transnational Access and see our open calls for proposals.

Development of new services

We conduct research activities with an immediate impact on the quality, diversity and relevance of our services to offer the most advanced, innovative and cutting-edge catalogue of services possible.

You did not find the service you need in our catalogue? Please let us know by filling out the dedicated form.


We have mapped, through a comprehensive survey and intensive desk research, applicable quality and safety relevant international and national laws, policies, international and European standards, guidelines as well as scientific recommendations and best practices for biospecimen handling to improve and facilitate these procedures across ISIDORe partners.

International Laws

To facilitate a mutual understanding between all services provided by ISIDORe partners an overview of applicable international laws and regulations for infectious disease research services was compiled. These include safety regulations, regulations for the transport of biospecimens, regulations on the handling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), animal welfare, data protection regulations, ethics, the conduct of clinical trials and the handling of medical products.

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National laws for handling (potentially) infectious materials serve multiple purposes. They are primarily aimed at protecting public health and preventing the spread of infectious diseases. ISIDORe partners providing infectious disease research services must ensure that they comply with all relevant legal requirements (permits and agreements). In addition to the relevance for the service providers the overview of national laws and regulations enables users of ISIDORe services to identify applicable requirements and to ensure that they are acting in accordance with the respective laws in each country.

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Overview of relevant ISIDORe Work packages and the required and/or provided biospecimens for offered services

To leverage the full potential of the ISIDORe consortium and thus to realise more ambitious and impactful research projects in the field of infectious disease research, an interdisciplinary approach is necessary.

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International Standards, best practices, guidelines and recommendations FOR BIOSPECIMENS

International standards, best practices, guidelines and scientific recommendations are of paramount importance for ISIDORe partners, which provide services and biospecimens for infectious disease research. Adherence to these international standards increases the comparability and consistency of research data and results and enables more effective collaboration among scientists from different countries and institutions. These standards serve to maintain high-quality research standards, from provision of reference samples, collection and processing of biospecimens to data analysis and reporting. This improves the reliability of data and the reproducibility of biomedical research. Similarly, compliance with these standards is critical to protecting the rights and welfare of participants (and/or animals), better navigating the various regulatory environments, streamlining approval processes, and thereby maintaining the trust of the public and regulators.

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International Standards, best practices, guidelines and recommendations FOR infectious disease RESEARCH services

In this section an overview of all infectious disease research services offered by ISIDORe service partners, a general overview of relevant international standards and scientific recommendations as well as specific minimum requirements for each service provider to use their services is presented.

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ISIDORe governance

ISIDORe is coordinated by the European Research Infrastructure on Highly Pathogenic Agents (ERINHA).

The ISIDORe governance diagram.

Governing board (gb)

The Governing Board is made up of representatives from each of the 17 Research Infrastructures and Networks of the ISIDORe consortium.

Executive committee (excom)

The ISIDORe Executive Committee supervises the execution of the action and implements the decisions made by the GB. The ExCom is made up of the leaders of each Work Package in the project.

Project management team

The project management team (PMT) is composed of staff from ERINHA and Inserm-Transfert who monitor project progress and manage the day-to-day functions of the project.

For any information related to the project contact us at: contact(at)isidore-project.eu.

Independent Advisory Board

The IAB is a multi-purpose board with four distinct sections, made up of the appropriate experts to support the project in strategy (StAB), science (SciAB), ethics (EthAB), and security (SecAB). The IAB acts as an interface with the relevant international agencies, initiatives, projects and individual stakeholders.

Scientific Advisory Board (SciAB)

The SciAB is made up of experts representing the user community across the range of areas of scientific research made available through the ISIDORe project. The SciAB will provide instructions on the priority research topics to be addressed to improve or extend ISIDORe’s catalogue of services.

Ethics Advisory Board (EthAB)

The EthAB includes experts in clinical studies, animal welfare, and data protection, who will monitor ISIDORe’s compliance with all relevant ethical regulations and standards pertaining to the activities of the project. 

Security Advisory Board (SecAB)

he security concerns potentially raised by the project. The SecAB will evaluate the sensitivity of the information contained in project deliverables and propose measures for preventing the misuse of such information.

Flavor image: Vaccine shots being manufactured

Outcomes & Impact



  • Advance research on epidemic-prone diseases
  • Increase epidemic preparedness and responsiveness
  • Support the development of medical countermeasures against epidemic-prone pathogens 
  • Share research data emerging from access provision activities according to FAIR principles


ISIDORe is a unique European integrated large-scale research infrastructure capacity for conducting research on any epidemic-prone pathogen, including SARS-CoV-2. It will be a powerful instrument at the disposal of the EU, and will impact its capacity to identify, characterise and mitigate the effects of any epidemic-prone pathogens.

ISIDORe aims to enable ground-breaking discoveries and the development of new medical countermeasures with high impact on health security and society.


The ISIDORe partners and their collaborators offer a broad portfolio of training opportunities that are consistent with, but not limited to, the ISIDORe objective of enhancing European and global capacity to prevent and respond to infectious threats.

Browse trainings catalogue