The EVORA project is reaching out to scientists involved in genomic assemblies to gather valuable insights and strengthen community connections. To support virology researchers working with this data type, we are creating a Genomic Assemblies in Virology network focused on enhancing workflows and simplifying data deposition processes for genomic assemblies, including tools developed by our partner ELIXIR.
One of our key goals is to improve the functionality of the ENA upload tool in the European Nucleotide Archive. Currently, this tool supports only sequence reads. We aim to extend it to handle genome assemblies, addressing the evolving needs of our field.
By joining this network, you will have the opportunity to contribute directly to the development of a tailored ENA upload toolbox designed to meet the specific needs of virology researchers. You will gain detailed insights into how the tool works and the chance to help shape its features to better support genomic assembly submissions. Participants will be integral in the process of expanding the ENA tool to handle genome assemblies, ensuring it serves the specific needs of our field.
To join EVORA’s Genomic Assemblies in Virology network, simply send an email to with the subject line “Joining the Network” to express your interest or request more details.