23 June, Online, 1-3 PM CEST.
An exciting array of imaging technologies from our consortium member, Euro-BioImaging have been deployed to support ISIDORe users, who are studying topics as diverse as the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on cardiovascular systems, infection biology of monkeypox or malaria infection.
For each of these researchers, access to the high-end imaging technologies and expertise at Euro-BioImaging Nodes has opened doors and given them new perspectives for advancing their projects and building new collaborations.
For the next Special Edition Virtual Pub next Friday, June 23, at 1 PM CEST, the scientists will tell about their research projects and share their experience how ISIDORe and Euro-BioImaging support their science on infectious diseases.
In addition, the Euro-BioImaging ERIC project manager in ISIDORe, Arina Rybina, will give an overview about the ongoing ISIDORe TNA Calls delving into multiple opportunities this unique Horizon Europe funded initiative holds to support research on epidemic prone diseases.
Attendance is free but registration is compulsory and open!