Register to join the webinar “Hearing of the Expert Panel on effective ways of
investing in health on the draft opinion on ‘facing the impact of post-COVID-19
condition on health systems’ on 18 October 2022 from 14.00 to 16.00 CEST.
The Expert Panel’s opinion will summarize the current knowledge on what post-COVID-
19 condition (Long Covid) is, its probable causes and symptoms, using the available
literature to date, including recent work carried out by the European Centre for Disease
Prevention and Control. It will provide an analysis of the main knowledge, organisational
and resource requirements for healthcare systems to design and develop appropriate
health services for post-COVID-19 condition and provide guidance on how public health
surveillance should be adapted to measure the impact of post-COVID-19 condition on
the population.
The aim of this hearing is to provide stakeholders with an opportunity to share their
views on the draft opinion of the Expert Panel on the above-mentioned subject. The draft
opinion will be available at the Expert Panel website prior to the hearing.